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Livelihood, economic strengthening, vocational training and job creation

Sector Livelihood, economic strengthening, vocational training and job creation
45 Vocational training and job creation projects
36 Livelihood and economic strengthening projects
180,847 Direct beneficiaries

Sustainable economy, circular economy, orange economy, green jobs, and social entrepreneurship are all various interpretations of how economic growth plays a key factor in human development. 

In order to have an impact on people’s lives, economic growth should be aligned to other factors that affect human life, such as the environment, and the social and cultural context.

This way, it will be possible to rethink the relationship between economy and work, resulting into an economic development that considers people and restores the value of work.

Employment becomes decent work

It does not only generate income, but it also encourages people to play a leading role, taking responsibilities, stimulating creativity, intelligence and relational skills

In order to develop a sustainable  economic system that respects and enhances territories within their diversity, it is necessary to  use evidence to design and develop tailored and responsive interventions like the graduation approach that are cognizant of  strengths.

Economic development must dialogue and bring together different partners, creating a “value chain” to reconcile the interests of large companies with social and economic groups and smaller family-run businesses, also supported and enhanced by digitisation.

AVSI's approach

The red thread of all AVSI projects is to offer people the opportunity to empower themselves, starting from their own skills and strengthening them through training and coaching themon life, vocational and business skills.

Through five decades of worldwide and consolidated experience, AVSI designed a specific methodology to respond to the multiple needs of vulnerable and extremely poor communities, with regards to vocational and apprenticeship training, empowerment of human capital and job creation.

In order to respond to these multiple issues, AVSI’s holistic approach is centered on supporting each individual to discover his/her dignity.

This happens in different ways, through multi-sectoral approaches that includes; the development of vocational and apprenticeship training paths, the insertion into the job market, incentivising and coaching towards a creation and or expansion of business and entrepreneurship opportunities and supporting participants harness group dividends through savings and loans.

These actions are responsive  to the needs of the job market and at the same time increase the talents and abilities of each person.

A man collects wood to build his new huts. Lack of water is one of the biggest problems in the camp, several NGOs including AVSI are involved in the assistance of displaced persons. 2,500 families live in the Ntele camp, on average the families are made up of five people. The flow of displaced people is constant and the camp is affected by this influx of people.

AVSI’s added value is to create flexible and customised paths that take into consideration people’s needs, skills and desires.

To this aim, AVSI relies on market players already in the field, both public and private, such as small, medium and large enterprises, training centers, universities, technical schools, employment centers, community groups and markets. In this way, projects are sustainable and support the ownership of local communities.

Some examples of our results

Our impact

79,813 People who have found work/started livelihood activities
262,378 People who have increased their income/improved their livelihoods
31,147 People who have participated in vocational training; employment guidance and placement; and self-employment